Taming Taelyn is Live! #werewolves #shifters #NorthernRockiesPack3

Taming Taelyn (Northern Rockies Pack 3)

Anne Kane

Taelyn: Abandoned by her parents and raised in the uncaring foster system, Taelyn finds out she isn’t truly human when fear triggers her first shift. She finds a temporary home with a pack of gray wolves, but she knows she isn’t truly one of them, either. When she feels the pull of the mate-bond, her world changes forever.

Dylan: Dylan is more at home in the woods than the city. Working for the Forestry Services, he sets out to catalog the endangered grizzly bear population in the Interior of British Columbia. What he didn’t expect was to find his bond-mate running wild with a pack of gray wolves.

Taming Taelyn is a challenge Dylan is determined to win.

Chapter One

Taelyn skidded to a halt, lifting her nose high in the air. A strange scent drifted on the breeze, teased her brain, calling to her in a way she’d never experienced before. Not danger. Not food. Human, but not. Something different.


The thought lingered, strange and unfathomable. What did it mean?

The rest of the pack raced on, heading to the caribou grazing grounds in the high range.


There it was again. An irresistible temptation.

The Alpha gave her a cursory glance as she veered off to investigate. The pack was used to her strange methods of doing things. Even the Alpha ignored her peculiar ways, letting her roam at will. As long as she didn’t endanger the pack, he was willing to indulge her for the sake of his mate who had all but adopted her.

She was a wolf, but not. The pack accepted that. They were so much more direct than humans. Their way of life was brutal but fair, and they would fight to the death to protect any one of their packmates no matter what their position was in the pack hierarchy.

Taelyn bounded through the thin undergrowth, sifted the information brought to her on the wind. It was spring and the scent of newly budding flowers and greenery floated on the breeze, nature emerging from its long sleep. But to her keen nose, there was something else as well.

Human. Intruder.

And yet she felt no sense of danger, no urge to run and hide. Every wolf in the pack knew about humans. They were destroyers of the forest, dangerous two-legged creatures who killed from afar using death sticks that spit out fire and metal. They were cruel beings who set traps to capture and torture the creatures of the woods. They were to be feared and avoided. And her childhood in the foster system had given her no reason to dispute that.

And yet the scent said mine.

She slowed her pace, approaching the origin of the scent carefully. Lifting her nose high, Taelyn searched the wind for information. Yes, it was a human. Human male. A sharp tang of metal mixed with his scent. A sure sign of danger. She should leave before he detected her.


Dropping to her belly, she crawled closer. Thick brush at the edge of the clearing marred her view, only allowing glimpses of the human male. Big. Strong.

Something coiled deep inside her, an unsettling desire that she’d never felt before for any of the wolves who’d come sniffing around when she’d entered her first heat cycle. After that, she’d learned to avoid the pack at those times.

She crept closer, belly tight to the ground, ears swiveling in a constant search for any danger. Humans often came in packs as well, although Taelyn could detect no others in the vicinity.

The sharp tang of metal was stronger now, a foreign scent in the forest. Metal never heralded anything good for the wolves. Strong jaws that broke legs. Death sticks. Caves with no exit. Metal was a tool the humans used against the creatures of the forest.

And yet that scent was stronger now.


She felt a slow heat ignite deep inside her, the pull of something ancient and strong.

Uncertainty flickered through Taelyn. A mating bond? Surely not. This was a human male. She was a wolf, albeit one who could become human.

She liked to think there had been a time when life in the human world had been good, when she’d had parents, a family, a home. But she wasn’t sure if it was true or just wishful thinking on her part. Now, Taelyn existed with the pack, or in the little cabin she’d restored for herself deep in the forest. She raised herbs and vegetables that she could sell at the farmer’s market in the small town closest to her home for those things she couldn’t get from nature.

She didn’t want to be human. To be human was to be heartless. To be human was to be cruel and brutal. To be human was to hurt the Mother Earth and the creatures who lived in harmony with her. To be human was to hurt those of your pack who were weaker than you.

Long ago she had lived exclusively in that world and it had not been kind to an orphaned child with no family of her own to protect her. She’d learned to fight out of necessity, and to protect herself at all costs. When she’d discovered the duality of her nature, she’d embraced it fully. Taelyn had started to sneak out at night to run with the wolves. On those nights she found liberty she’d never had, a sheer joy in living. Although she still functioned in the human world, she had the freedom of her wolf to escape to whenever things got too tough. She’d sworn then that she’d never let any human control her destiny ever again.

And yet still the man’s scent called to her.

She crouched behind the bushes, watching him as he loaded a strange-shaped bullet into his death stick.

Rifle. Gun.

Taelyn knew the names the humans used to identify the weapon, but to her wolf, it would always be a death stick.

The man propped the death stick up against a tree and proceeded to assemble a strange looking contraption, covering most of it with sticks and leaves from the ground. When he was done, she could barely discern the outline of the odd-shaped thing. It was unlike anything she’d ever laid eyes on. A trap?

Was he a hunter? Was the strange scent a deliberate attempt to draw her close so he could capture her? Why had it not attracted any of the other wolves in the pack? So many questions and yet all she could get from his scent was that strange sense of belonging, of ownership.

A faint rustling in the bushes behind the human drew her attention, and a pungent odor overlaid the one that had drawn her here.

Bear. Grizzly bear.

A moment later, the massive animal lumbered into view. Yup. That was a grizzly bear, all right. And it did not look friendly, not that grizzlies ever really looked friendly. This one looked as grumpy as a wolf with a thorn in its paw.

The human whipped his head around with a speed that startled her, his attention locked onto the bear. Interesting. Taelyn could have sworn human senses were too dull to detect even a grizzly bear at that distance. And yet, there was no doubt that he had.

The man stepped over to the death stick, his movements slow and steady. She gave him credit for that. Any sudden moves might entice the bear to attack.

Grasping the death stick with one hand, he slowly sunk to the ground, seeming to melt into the surrounding foliage. Even his scent seemed to get smaller. He remained still, his image blurring into the background.

The bear reared up on its hind legs, the big head swiveling back and forth as it searched the area. After a long, tense minute, the animal dropped back down onto all fours.

For a moment, Taelyn thought a confrontation had been avoided. Perhaps the human’s ploy had worked and the bear had not detected him or had decided he wasn’t a threat.

The bear snuffled the ground, pawing with its powerful front claws. But just as Taelyn let out a quiet sigh of relief, the huge mammal let out an angry bellow and charged straight at the human male.

The male came to his feet in a single fluid movement, lifting the death stick to his shoulder and firing. The weapon spat out one of the odd-looking bullets, which impacted the bear but did nothing to slow it down. Two more shots, and the only results were a couple of silly-looking tags hanging from the bear’s meaty hindquarters. If anything, they angered the already aggressive animal even more.

It was not her fault the human was about to die, and she had no good reason to interfere. Life in the wild was brutal, and death could be swift and violent. Kill or be killed was not just a cute saying. The human had chosen to use the death stick and it had failed to thwart the grizzly’s charge. In about five seconds, the bear would be on him and his chances of survival were less than nil.

Taelyn launched herself from the thicket, racing directly toward the bear. Some tiny part of her brain screamed “no,” but she ignored it as she snarled loudly in an effort to distract the bear from its target.

The powerful animal skidded to a halt, once again raising itself on its hind legs as it swiveled to meet the new threat.

This was not Taelyn’s first encounter with one of these majestic beasts, and she knew enough to stay out of reach of its formidable front legs. Having distracted the grizzly from its initial target, she settled in to harass it into leaving the area. She knew better than to think she could kill it. An entire pack of wolves wouldn’t stand a chance of taking down a grizzly in its prime. Her sole aim was to keep it from killing the human male and give him time to escape.

The bear let out a long-annoyed huff, looking at the wolf that had dared to interfere with its attack. Razor-sharp claws slashed through the air as the grizzly swiped at her.

Taelyn easily avoided the danger, but she had no illusions about her abilities when it came to dealing with the bear. One miscalculation, one slip on a leaf would be all it took for the bear to send her flying through the air. She needed to be careful. Incredibly careful.

Keeping a respectful distance, she darted back and forth, alternately snapping and snarling to keep the grizzly’s attention on herself. Dancing on her four paws, Taelyn darted in and out of range, anticipating each move of the powerful mammal.

In a few moments, she noticed a distinct difference in the bear’s performance. The massive animal seemed to be getting slower, its moves less coordinated. Before long, it dropped to all fours and took a few lumbering steps away from the clearing.

Taelyn stopped her attack, cocked her head to the side, not sure what to make of this new situation. Grizzlies were not known for running away but that did seem to be what this one was doing. She paced back and forth, glancing back at the human.

He seemed to be unconcerned, standing in a loose stance with the death stick in one hand. He glanced at the grizzly, then back to her. The look on his face was unreadable. Confused? Surprised? Shocked?

If she were smart, she’d turn tail and head on back to her pack. But she didn’t. She just stood there, a few yards away from the grizzly, which sank awkwardly to the ground. Its eyes closed, and within minutes it appeared to have fallen asleep. Very strange.

She looked over at the human, who hadn’t taken advantage of her distraction to run for safety. Not a very smart human. Or maybe he’d known the bear would fall asleep. He might be smarter than she’d given him credit for.

She stared at him, wondering what it was about this human male that she found so alluring. He was tall and muscular, with an unruly shock of dark hair. His eyes were an unusually dark green, and right now they seemed to see right through her. Taelyn took a step backward, feeling suddenly skittish.

The human male hunkered down on his heels to study her intently. “Hello, sweetheart. Where did you come from? There’s nothing around here for miles. You’re beautiful.” And you’re mine.

The last three words floated soundlessly into her head. Taelyn blinked. What the hell? She must have imagined them. Unless she was hallucinating, it made no sense.

“You can feel it. Our connection. I know you can.” The human held out his hand, palm up. “Shift and we can talk.”

There was a note of command in his voice that set the hairs on her back standing straight up. No one, not a human or a wolf, had the right to tell her what to do. Not now. Not ever again.

And yet, she felt an almost unbearable urge to obey, to shift to human form so she could talk to this man. That fact alone terrified her. Taelyn pivoted and started to run.

Come back.

The words echoed through her mind, lending speed to her paws as she raced back the way she came. Back to the safety of the pack.

She must have eaten something bad, to give her hallucinations like this. Wolves were not telepathic. Hell, they didn’t even speak. Not really. They communicated ideas and feelings through a series of bark, whines, and body language. The Alpha could communicate with the rest of the pack, but not in words. More like images and vague outlines.

We belong together. I will find you.

Fainter now, but still in her head. Putting on a burst of speed, she located two of her packmates, flanking a herd of caribou as the others closed in from the sides.

This was familiar. She knew her place in the hunt.


The echo refused to leave her alone.


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Terras Five Blog Tour!

That’s right. The Cyborgs are going on a virtual tour. There will be prizes and excerpts and lots of fun! Did I mention prizes? As in Amazon Gift Card kind of prizes? The tour is being hosted by Silver Dagger Book Tours, and the grand kickoff is on their site right HERE, along with the schedule of where and when you can find the Cyborgs.

If you’ve never met my Cyborgs, book one is on perma-sale for only 99cents.


Natalie’s loved and lost, and she’s not so sure she wants to risk her heart again. She’s willing to settle for a challenging career as a space-pilot instructor and a succession of no-strings-attached lovers. But that’s before her boss saddles her with the last thing she wants — a new partner.

Jebediah recognizes his perfect match in Natalie from the moment she seduces him on a dare. Everything that makes her a top-notch pilot, from her fearlessness to her passion, make a night in her bed both challenging and unforgettable.

A dangerous confrontation with a brutal enemy, an exploding drive engine and a traitor close to home throw everything into perspective. Natalie is going to have to put the past behind her and risk it all, because when your partner is also your lover, failure is not an option.


Her Cyborg Lover (Terras Five 1)
Anne Kane
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Anne Kane

Natalie pulled the cerebral interface down over her forehead, scanning the display with a practiced eye. A blip on the bottom corner of the screen caught her attention.

“Identify ship, lower quadrant.” She rolled her eyes, waiting impatiently for the ship’s avatar to reply. She already knew the answer, or as much as she needed to know. One of the hotshot cadets thought they could sneak up behind her and beat her back to the base.

“Ship identified as delta class reconnaissance pod. Single occupant, unidentified male. No flight plan filed.”

No flight plan? That certainly raised questions. Probably a lower-class cadet returning from a routine scouting mission.

Maybe she was wrong about their motives. After spending the last decade on active duty, she’d come to expect the younger pilots to challenge her. They thought mature meant slower and less alert. So long as he or she didn’t make any surprise moves, she’d ignore them. “Keep track of their progress.”

“Affirmative.” The ship’s deep voice no longer sent pangs of loss through her. After the accident that had taken her life mate, she’d programmed his voice into her ship’s avatar as a way of keeping him close.

That had been a long time ago, though. Now, the voice belonged to her ship, and if she thought of her lost love at all, it was with a fond twinge of nostalgia. Life went on.

“Are we visible to the unidentified craft?”

“Affirmative. We are within visual range.”

Even as she prepared to give the cadet the benefit of the doubt, the other vessel began to pick up speed, darting in front of her ship in an obvious show of contempt.

So much for playing Mrs. Nice Gal! “Computer, turn off autopilot. We’re going to show that little snot what a real pilot can do.”

“Aye, Captain. Autopilot disengaged. Do you wish to hail the craft?”

The scout ship slipped between two asteroids, picking up power as the pilot zigzagged his way through the rock-strewn sky with a flagrant disregard for his ship’s safety. Where did kids learn to fly these days? In a vacuum? If he wasn’t careful, he’d end up a red smear on one of those asteroids.

“Why not? Open hailing frequency.”

A few seconds passed as the avatar located the proper frequency.

Natalie slipped the steering yoke over her shoulders, adrenaline already spiking through her as she prepared to meet the unknown pilot’s challenge.

Designed for maximum integration of the ship and its pilot, the yoke made it easy for her to control every nuance of the ship’s reactions. She rammed the throttle forward, engaging all four thrusters and leaning left to avoid colliding with a small rock that careened into her path as the ship surged forward.

“Hailing frequency open.”

Natalie took a deep breath. “Delta class scout ship. This is Captain Freer, lead instructor on Gamma Base Seven-Two-Seven. Identify yourself immediately.”

She waited impatiently for a reply. Even the greenest of cadets knew better than to openly defy her. Dead air lay between her and the scout ship. Seemed this cadet was stupider than most.

“Delta Class Scout ship. I order you to identify yourself, or be prepared to handle the consequences.”

A deep male chuckle rolled through the com link.

Natalie blinked. Laughter? Was the idiot actually laughing at her? He was so going to eat her dust, and that would be before she grounded his sorry ass for the next decade or two.

Years of practice gave her the edge every single time one of the cadets pulled a stupid stunt like this. Engaging the infrared overlay on the cerebral interface, she mentally plotted the other ship’s most likely course.

Only an experienced space jockey understood that the shortest route was rarely the quickest, or the easiest. Sure enough, the idiot darted between the two large asteroids directly in front of him. A seasoned pilot would know that the combined gravitational fields of the rocks created a braking effect on any smaller object caught between them. Real-life one on one versus theory in the classroom.

She could almost feel sorry for the pilot as he struggled to wrest back control of his ship from the two inanimate objects.

Almost, but not quite. She circled around the trap, putting herself directly between the rocket jockey and base ship. Let him watch her tail for a while before she slapped him into the brig. Waggling her wings in an insulting salute that the unfortunate pilot couldn’t possibly miss, she veered toward base ship.

She hadn’t quite finished congratulating herself on such a swift victory when her ship careened sideways, almost colliding with one of the smaller asteroids in the field.

What the hell? She jerked her head up, hardly able to believe the display in front of her eyes. The smaller ship had freed itself of the gravity well and moved to parallel her before turning so that his thrusters aimed directly at her side. When he fired them, the shock hit her craft with all the force of a herd of thundering moon-cats.

Crap! This kid had balls. Balls and the makings of a star-class fighter pilot — if she didn’t kill him first.


Kayla’s Hunter #romance #scifi #spaceport


Hunter is a cyborg working for the military wing of the Interplanetary Alliance, with an obsession he just can’t shake. Four years ago, he met a woman on Rigerion IV and spent the night with her. The sex was incredible. When he woke the next morning she was gone and no matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t find her.

When he discovers that she is the captain of one of the most brazen pirate ships in this quadrant, he makes it his personal goal to track her down and punish her. Problem is, despite her status as one of the most notorious pirates in the galaxy, she was bred to be a submissive sex slave, so punishment just makes her hot! What’s a cyborg to do?


“Deploy the aft lazar array! Now!” Kayla jerked her body hard to the right, her neural implants signaling the ship to mimic her actions. She felt a grudging respect for the captain of the Intrepid as they narrowly avoided another volley from its photon cannons. This wasn’t the first battle the two ships had engaged in, but if she didn’t catch a lucky break soon, it might be the last.

“The primary engines are overheating! We need to shut them down before they blow.” Aygar, her second-in-command, threw her a panicked look as he diverted more coolant to the engines. “They’ve been at redline too long.”

“If we drop to secondary engines, we might as well surrender now.” Kayla tossed her head back to clear the unruly red tresses from her eyes. “We’ll make a run for the asteroid field. If we can slip between the orbiting rubble, the Intrepid will have to break off. They can’t maneuver that big mother of a ship in such close quarters.”

Aygar nodded, his expression grim. He’d never let her down, and Kayla knew he’d do his best to hold the ship together until they reached safety.

For a while, it looked like they might just pull it off. Kayla dared to hope. The asteroid field loomed close. The Intrepid kept up a steady barrage of fire, but with her enhanced reactions, she managed to dodge the more lethal shots.

“There!” She maneuvered the ship between two chunks of space debris, a triumphant grin dying on her lips at the sudden silence. Shit! “Bring the secondary engines online. Now, damn it!”

“Aye, Captain.”

Too late. The Intrepid’s bulk swooped in to block their only escape route.

“Damn. Damn. Damn!” Kayla slammed her fist down on the weapons’ console in front of her, gritting her teeth in frustration. Escape had been so close!

“Sorry, Captain. Those engines should have been replaced, or at least overhauled two standard years ago. I told you they were in rough shape.” Aygar stared glumly at the massive warship on the forward display screen. “Now what are we going to do?”

Kayla closed her eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. It wasn’t his fault. She’d gambled on those engines and lost. “Now we hope Hunter’s in a good mood.”

* * *

“So nice of you to join me.” He looked even more intimidating in person than he had in the video conference, if that was possible. Hunter loomed over her, his massive frame dwarfing her own generous proportions. Immense ropes of muscle strained against the tight material of his Alliance uniform, and those piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through her to her innermost secrets. Hunter was the type of male she’d been bred to crave, bred to satisfy in every conceivable way. Bred to fuck. An alpha-male cyborg. Kayla suppressed the shudder of pure lust that swept through her. Now was not the time to let her genetic programming overcome years of hard work.

She schooled her features to a bland calm. “You didn’t leave me a whole lot of alternatives.”

“No, I didn’t, did I.” The smile that curved his lips held no humor. “I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you.” Taking a step forward, he grasped her wrists and slapped on a set of immobilizer cuffs. She could feel the effects immediately, draining her arms of their ability to move. At least he hadn’t set the damn things to maximum. He turned to the man at his side. “Blake, take her down to my stateroom and set the cuffs to high. That should keep her out of trouble until I’m done with her crew. And the damned Alliance paperwork.”

Blake looked up at his commanding officer. “Don’t you need to log her as one of the prisoners?”

Hunter gave a negative movement of his head. “She and I have unfinished business. As far as the Alliance is concerned, the captain of the pirate ship Defiant didn’t survive the attack.”

“But…” Blake’s voice trailed off as Hunter stared pointedly at him. “Okay then. Your stateroom it is.” Taking her by the arm, Blake led Kayla out of the landing bay.

The walk to Hunter’s stateroom was longer than she expected, down corridor after long corridor. The place was a maze of intersecting passages and zero G drop tubes. By the time Blake palmed the control panel to the captain’s stateroom, she was sure she’d never be able to find her way back to the bridge.

“The captain is a good guy.” Blake didn’t sound very sure of the fact. “He must have a reason for keeping your presence a secret from the Alliance.”

Yeah. Like he intended to punish her personally for all the time he’d spent chasing her around the galaxy. Every time she’d turned around, the Intrepid had been there, harassing her. Somewhere back in the last double moon phase, she’d started to wonder if it were personal. Still, the idea of being turned over to the Alliance didn’t thrill her, so for now she’d play nice.

“Could you take these cuffs off? I hate the way they make my arms feel. I promise I’ll stay here and wait for the captain.” She tried out one of her most charming smiles. Sometimes her breeding paid off. “I’d never find my way around this ship anyways.”

“Sorry. Captain ordered full immobilization, and he likes to be obeyed. You might want to find a comfortable spot before I set them.”

“No!” Kayla took a step backward, a ball of dread coalescing in her belly. She knew her fear showed on her face, and she didn’t care. “I promise I’ll be good. Please, don’t do that.”

Blake had the grace to look upset, but he shook his head. “Captain’s orders. No way I can ignore them and stay on this ship. If you lie down on the bed first, it won’t be so bad.”

Not so bad? Obviously, the SOB had never had immobilizer cuffs used on him! They literally froze the entire nervous system and left the victim unable to do so much as blink. The creche where she’d spent her first ten years had been fond of using them to discipline the girls when they didn’t jump fast enough to obey orders. Sex slaves were expected to obey without hesitation, and they were all bred to be sex slaves. Submissive sex slaves.

Kayla had been a very stubborn child, and she’d spent more time in those cuffs than she cared to remember. So, she knew. They were bad, really bad.

But she wouldn’t beg. She never begged. Taking a deep breath, she schooled her features to show no emotions as she sat down and let the chair mold itself to her shape. Satisfied with the fit, she held out her arms.

“I really am sorry.” The discomfort on Blake’s face afforded her a small amount of satisfaction. “Are you sure you don’t want to lie on the bed? The captain could be awhile.”

Not likely. The last thing she wanted was to have Hunter walk in and see her lying spread-eagled on his bed like some sort of pagan sacrifice.

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The Scarlet Dove by Beth D. Carter

Can Liza find her place in a lawless world?

When Liza Trent decided to become a mail order bride out west, she never imagined her fiancé would die before she arrived. His death places her in debt, and the only way to pay off the money is by auctioning off her virginity against her will. When she’s rescued by two handsome men, she mistakenly thinks they’re assassins. Despite her reservations, she accepts their protection.

Only the two men, Apollo Beck and Blue Hawke, aren’t assassins. They’re Texas Rangers sent after a man who preys on women, and their dangerous hunt has just brought Liza into the line of fire.

Confused with the attraction she feels for two men, Liza has a difficult decision before her: commit to loving Apollo and Blue or commit to her burning desire to become a doctor…unless she’s found and taken for revenge first.

Content Warning: contains violence, strong language, and explicit sex scenes, including anal sex

Genre(s): Historical Romance / Menage

5 writing pet peeves that simply drive me insane…

1. Work.  Isn’t this the bane of every author’s life? By day I’m a pharmacy tech in a retail store, standing on my feet all day and dealing with many people. By the time I get home, my brain is fried.

2. Time. This harkens back to the work thing, where my brain is fried. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with having too much stuff going on in my life and not enough time to write. It can be so frustrating.

3. Social Media.  I spend way too much damn time flittering between Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

4. My muse.  I’m hard at work trying to write out a complicated and scene and she’s like “Wait!  I’ve got this awesome idea for another story!” Most of the time she wakes me up at three am.  Bitch.

5. Character changes.  Most of the time I can envision the beginning and ending to a story, but every once in a while the ending slips away, due to the direction of where the characters take me.  When that happens I struggle a lot to maintain the plot.  I’ve shelved some great stories because of this.


“It’s him,” Liza whispered in a hate-filled tone. “The man who tricked me.”

“Reynolds,” Blue spat.

“All three of you!” Reynolds screamed. “You’ll pay! You’ll pay for everything!”

The gun wavered in an unstable hand. Blue and Apollo glanced at each other and then charged forward. A shot exploded and Apollo went down. Blue tackled Reynolds to the ground. The two men rolled around, each trying to get the upper hand.

Apollo did his best to try to focus on the two men, but agony lanced through him as he tried to get to his feet. Black spots danced in front of his eyes, and he honestly didn’t know how bad he was shot.

And then a pair of soft, steady hands took his away. “Let me see,” Liza softly said.

“Uh,” he moaned. “Blue—”

“Is holding his own,” she interrupted him. Though she carefully probed, the pain rippled through Apollo, and he halted her hand. “You need medical help,” she told him.

“Get Reynolds first,” he panted.

Her eyebrows arched. “You know him?”

“I was sent to kill him.”

Her mouth fell open, and she looked from him to where Blue still fought with Reynolds.

“There’s a blade in my boot,” he whispered, wiggling his right foot and bringing her attention back to him. “Give it to Blue.”

She hesitated for only a second before reaching for the marked boot. He felt her hand slide in and grab the hilt. She slid it free and rose, turning to the fight that had attracted several people’s attention.

“I have a knife, Blue!” she called out.

In a flash, Blue spun away from Reynolds and grabbed the knife from Liza’s shaky hand. As he turned back, he let it fly. They watched as it flipped end over end and buried itself into Reynolds’s shoulder, right where the arm and chest met. For a moment, no one moved. Then the confused crowd rushed to help Reynolds, who stumbled away, and Blue turned to grab Liza’s hand and hurry over to Apollo.

“You need medical attention,” he said without preamble, mimicking Liza’s earlier statement.

“Not here,” Apollo growled. “Help me up.”

“You should rest,” Liza said.

“You think anyone is going to help the people responsible for burning down half the town?” As he sat up with a gasp of pain, Blue let go of Liza’s hand to help him stand. “Is Reynolds dead?”

They all looked at the small crowd that had moved in to help Reynolds when the blade had got him, only to see the crowd starting to point at them and talk. Reynolds was nowhere to be found.



Bio & Social Media Links:

I like writing about the very ordinary woman thrust into extraordinary circumstances, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or corporate highrollers.  I try to write characters who aren’t cookie cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box.  I love writing characters who are real, complex and full of flaws, heroes and heroines who find redemption through love. I love to hear from readers so I’ve made it really easy to find me on the web:





Amazon author page:  http://www.amazon.com/BethD.Carter/e/B00EOTD1T0/

Now available from Changeling Press – (a week ahead of Amazon, Kobo, iBooks and B&N)

She has a plan…

Kidnapping the Cyborg

 (Terras Five #6)

By Anne Kane

Genres: Sci –Fi, Cyborgs, romance



Life in the Breeders Enclave on Terras Five was comfortable. Safe. Boring! Abigail wanted more than that. She wanted to explore the galaxy, have a career, enjoy all the freedoms that a human female took for granted. In order to do that she needed to get off -planet, and in order to accomplish that, she needed help. Male help.

She had a plan.

Jackson was flattered that the young female chose him to sire her offspring, and he was more than willing to play his part and to make sure she enjoyed the experience as much as he did. What he wasn’t prepared for being kidnapped at weapons point and forced to help the young breeder escape. Of course, he could have disarmed her and foiled her plan, but where’s the fun in that?


Abigail stretched languidly on the circular sleeping platform, making sure the male Cyborg got a generous eyeful of her luscious curves. She hadn’t counted on this, counted on it being him, the incredibly sexy male she’d met so long ago. Then again this wasn’t really a bad thing. The attraction she felt for him would make it easier to go through with her plan.

His name was Jackson. Jackson Firestorm. She’d almost snorted her drink out through her nose when she read that on the choices sheet. In a way, the absurdity of his family name was the reason she’d chosen him from the six breeding options presented for her approval.

Of course, she hadn’t realized she’d already met Jackson Firestorm. Or that she’d had a crush on him since she’d been a child. She only knew him as the Cyborg who’d appeared out of nowhere to save her and her friends.

Would he remember the wide-eyed girl child he’d plucked from the wreckage of the crashed spaceship? To him, she would have been just one more orphan who needed help, but to her he’d been a hero, larger than life. He’d saved her life and that of her crèche mates. She’d developed an immediate crush. As a youngling, she’d spent many hours daydreaming about the deliciously sexy Cyborg.

Jackson slid the entrance to the cubicle closed with a soft click, his eyes darkening as they swept over her lounging figure.

She curved her lips up in a smile, trying to look more confident than she felt. She’d never done this before, never joined with a male. Until this very moment, she hadn’t considered what effect that would have on her plan.

Last moon cycle, she’d hacked into the breeder database and altered her records to show that she’d already had several lovers. If the powers that be had known this was her first coupling, they would have insisted on sending her an older male, one with enough experience to ease her into the breeder lifestyle, make it a glowing experience.

That didn’t fit her needs at all. She needed a male she could dupe into lowering his guard. A younger male, one who would let lust overrule his Cyborg training and naturally cautious nature. At least, that was the plan.

“You are beautiful.” His voice low and gravelly, he crossed the space between them, stopping at the edge of the sleeping platform to shed his robe. His words were the formal greeting of a male summoned to lay with a breeder. “I am honored that you chose me to sire your offspring. I humbly hope my efforts bring success.”

Naked. Beneath the robe, he was completely, gloriously, naked. Thick ropes of muscle covered every inch of his body, sliding smoothly as he moved. Male. He was all male and a very mouthwatering one at that. It took an amazing effort on her part not to stare at his cock, curving hard and ready from the nest of curls at his groin.

Damn. She just might enjoy the part of her plan that required her to have sex with Jackson Firestorm.

Batting her lashes in what she hoped was an enticing gesture, she patted the sleeping platform beside her. “Come here.”

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Author Bio

 Anne Kane lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley with a bouncy little rescue dog who’s breed defies description, a cantankerous Himalayan cat, and too many fish to count. She spent many years trying to fit in and act normal, but finally gave up the effort. She started writing romance in 2008, and her fate was sealed when she won a publishing contract with Red Sage Publishing and just a month later Changeling Press accepted her first submission. Since then she had published more than thirty stories in a variety of sub-genres, all with a happily ever after.

Her hobbies, when she’s not playing with the characters in her head, include kayaking, hiking, swimming, playing guitar, singing and of course, reading.

You can find Anne around the web at:

Website: http://www.AnneKane.com

Blog: https://annekane.wordpress.com

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/annekane

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/anne.kane.author

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/Annekane

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Running from the Cyborg is now available at all ebook retailers!

She can run, but she can’t hide from the sexy cyborg who has her in his sights. https://www.amazon.com/Running-Cyborg-Terras-Five-5-ebook/dp/B07XQ6988H/

Running from the Cyborg

 (Terras Five – Book Five)

By Anne Kane

Genres: Sci –Fi, Cyborgs, romance



She can run but she can’t hide from the sexy cyborg who has her in his sights.

Caitlyn: Gorgeous. Feisty. Human. A survivor in an unforgiving galaxy. Running from an enemy she can’t see for reasons she doesn’t understand. Whoever he is, he’s trying to kill her.

Jakob: Large. Mouthwateringly sexy. Loyal. Cyborg. Determined to find the female who seduced him, gave him a night he’d never forget, then disappeared before he woke. When he finally manages to catch up to her, he intends to do whatever it takes to keep her at his side.

Excerpt: (Caution – Adult Rated!)

She whirled to face Jakob, raising one hand to cover her mouth. Wouldn’t do to have him see how happy she was to be cornered by his big muscular self.

Jakob slid to a stop just inside the doorway and leaned casually against the metal frame. His eyes danced with a mixture of lust and mirth as he lifted one brow to study her. “Tag? Don’t you think I’ve wasted enough time chasing you back and forward across the galaxy? You want me to chase you around my ship as well?”

Caitlyn sauntered across the room, striving to look casual. “I don’t see why not. Don’t you think the prize is worth the effort?”

“The prize?” Jakob pushed himself off the wall, stalking toward her. “ I didn’t realize you were offering yourself up as a prize if I caught you. I would have put more effort into the chase had I known.” He reached her side and cupped the back of her head in one large hand, tilting it up so that he could gaze directly into her eyes.

“Umm…” She didn’t manage to get out more than that strangled exclamation before his mouth descended, scorching a kiss across her lips. A soft whimper escaped her lips as he stole her breath away, his tongue sweeping the inside of her mouth with the intimate ease of a longtime lover. Damn, but he knew how to silence her with a single kiss.

He tasted good, so damn good she wanted more. Winding an arm around his neck, she drew his head down to her level.

His hands dropped to her ass, pulling her in close against him as the kiss deepened from sensual to demanding. She could feel the hard ridge of his erection pressing into her belly, and the knowledge that he wanted her that much fueled her own lust.

Damn! This was so not good.

She wanted him. Craved him, craved his touch. The timing sucked. She could not afford to be distracted from the need to survive.

Jakob swore softly, his hands going to her shirt. He fumbled with the closure for a long moment before grasping the edges in his hands and ripping the material right down the middle.

Her breasts spilled out into his waiting hands, and she whimpered as his rough palms swiped across the sensitive nipples. It felt good. So good. Too good

Surely a little dalliance while they were en route wouldn’t matter?

Cyborgs didn’t do forever, she reminded herself.

She seized the closure at the top of his flight suit, pulling it down with a quick jerk of her hand. The soft whir of the mechanism filled the room as the material parted. She slid her hand inside, palm flat against the tight muscles of his chest.

So hard. So male. So damn tempting.

She moved her hand lower, pushing the fabric out of her way. Lower. Across the hard planes of his abs. Down.

He shrugged, and the top of the flight suit fell away from his shoulders leaving him bare to the hips.

She gave the flight suit one last tug, and it pooled around his ankles.

His cock burst free, arcing proudly up from its nest of thick curls. Caitlyn wrapped her fingers around the hard shaft.

So thick. So long. It pulsed eagerly in her hand.

Dropping to her knees, she took him into her mouth and ran her tongue around the mushroom shaped head, savoring the musky male taste.

Jakob tangled his fingers in her hair and let out a low growl. “Damn, Caitlyn. You are enough to drive a cyborg insane. You know just what to do to make me forget how pissed off I am.”

Yeah. She really did. For just this tiny bit of time she felt totally in control, and it felt good. Great, actually.

She glided her head up and down his rigid shaft, enjoying the sounds of his arousal, the little groans and growls that slipped out of his lips.

She reached up to cup his balls, squeezing gently, tugging just a little, teasing him with her fingers.

Control. Yeah. When most of your life felt like a total mess, control was a drug she craved almost as much as she craved this big idiot.

“Enough.” His voice was hoarse, edgy with need as he pulled himself out of her mouth and pulled her to her feet. His lips came down on hers, harsh and demanding.

She gave back as good as she got, her tongue darting between his parted lips to let him taste himself on her.

He grunted loudly and brought his hands up to push impatiently at the fabric of her pants. They skimmed down over her hips, and Caitlyn kicked them off and to the side.

Jakob slipped his hands beneath her buttocks and lifted her off her feet. She dangled helplessly in the air, her back scraping against the cold metal of the wall. He recaptured her mouth as he slowly lowered her onto his hard shaft.

Oh, sweet mother of the universe!

Caitlyn wrapped her legs around his hips, locking her ankles behind him as he began to move his hips , using his cybernetic strength to hold her up off the ground as he thrust his cock deep.


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